Wednesday, July 20, 2011

16 months

I just realized that I am so behind on blogging that I forgot to do Chloe's 15 month post. This summer has been busy, and I don't get much free time to be on the computer when I am chasing this wild girl around 24/7!! My sweet bitty girl is 116 months old, and it still seems like yesterday she was a tiny sweet little newborn...and then I wake up to the reality that she is by far the most high maintenence child that I have!!! I am SO thankful that she is such a happy, funny girl, but the child literally wears me out. She may be a tiny 18 pounds (barely) but she is feisty and strong willed.

Chloe is what you are up to at 16 months...

**You weigh 18 pounds. (way smaller than W and G at this age)

**You wear 12 month clothes, and size 2 1/2 shoe

**You still wear size 2 diapers

**You are a picky eater; you like mashed potatoes, bread, pretzels, chicken and rice, cucumbers, cinnamon rolls, any fruit but especially canteloupe. I still give you a bottle twice a day so you get milk.

**You are NOT a good sleeper. I usually put you to bed around 8 and you get up atleast once a night, usually more like 2 or 3 times. Makes mommy crazy.

**You have really bad excema, we use a special creme that seems to be helping

**You LOVE to read books, especially ones with animal pictures. You give all the animals kisses.

**You LOVE to play outside. We have to watch you like a hawk because you climb up the ladder to the swingset. You think you are bi!

**You love to sit in my lap and sing songs. I love it too!

**You are so sweet, and when you are sleepy, your paci and blanket are your best friend.

We love you Bitty!!

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