Sunday, September 26, 2010

6 months

Chloe is 6 months old (actually one week ago) but I am a little late doing this post. I have been so tired at night lately, and haven't been on the computer much other than to check email (and facebook..ha).
So, here is what out bitty girl is up to....

**** are SO loud, and we LOVE it!!!! You have a high-pitched little voice, and it's so sweet to hear, as long as we don't hear it in the middle of the night. Ha!
****You are wearing size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes. (no shoes yet)

**** You smile ALL the time! Everybody always comments about how happy you are.
**** You are eating cereal now for dinner, and you have also tried squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, applesauce and bananas. So far, your favorites are squash and bananas.
**** You take a bottle every 3 hours, and eat lunch and dinner.
**** You are NOT the best napper, I am happy when you take atleast 1 good nap a day. But usually you just cat nap.
****You sleep about 10 hours a night, Sometimes a little less. We are putting you to bed about 9 and you wake up between 6 and 7.
****You LOVE the Jumperoo, swing, exersaucer, and especially rolling all over the floor!

We love you SO much Chloe Bear!!!