Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 months

I can't believe in 2 months we will be celebrating our little Chloe's 1st Birthday!! I am SO not ready for that. She is a sweet, happy, busy little girl, and we love her SO much!
Here is what you are up to this month bitty girl:

**You weigh about 16 1/2 lbs
**You are still wearing 6-9 month clothes, and now are wearing size 2 shoes

**You wear size 2 diapers

**You don't really love to eat, but when you are really hungry you love carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, and corn casserole. you have tried some "real" foods like mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, and biscuits and cinnamon rolls and you liked all of them a little.

**You still take a bottle every 4 hours or so.

**You are crawling everywhere and getting into everything you can reach. we are trying to remember to keep things out of your reach but that is not working so well.

**You LOVE to take a bath and get really upset when I get you out. You have no fear of the water(so far)

**You love to chew on everything,. Your favorite toys are your keys, little people, and Weston's foam darts.

**You are very attached (when you are sleepy) to your pink and green blanket and your paci. You love that thing!

**You are a very happy baby! You are always smiling!! Even in the middle of the night when you shouldn't be waking up!! We are gonna have to talk some more about that!!

**You are actually not sleeping all that great. You mostly only take one nap a day from about 12:30-3, and go to bed around 7:30 or 8 at night. You are making a habit of waking up atleast once sometimes more. The pediatrition says you are fine, and we are just gonna have to let you fuss yourself back to sleep. Wel....he doesn't live in our house. When you scream in the middle of the night, everyone wakes up. Let's just say this makes for a grouchy family the next day. (btw, we love our doctor:)

**You are such a blessing to our family sweet girl!!! We love you more than you could ever know!!

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