Wednesday, March 9, 2011

birthdays and conversations

Chloe will be one next week, and I have been sitting here thinking about how I should be so excited, but I am so sad that my baby is already ONE! Actually, all my kids will celebrate birthdays over the next few months and it is a sad reality that they grow up WAY too fast. Weston will be 8 in May, Gracie will be 5 in July. My (other) baby girl is going to kindergarten!!! Where did the time go? Chloe is starting to walk and talk a little and it's so exciting, because we (all of us) seriously watch every move she makes. You would think she was our first child, really. The kids get as excited as Hale and I do when she does something new. It's precious, they love her SO much. They are so funny though. Gracie and I had this conversation this morning after we dropped Weston off (this is after Weston left the van door open when he got out)...

Me: "Weston...close the door buddy."
Gracie: "Why is Weston so lazy?"

Me: "Gracie, that was rude."

Gracie: "oh, why didn't we have a baby boy instead of a girl, ugh."
The drama of this child!! Where does she come up with this stuff??
Anyway, my babies are growing into little people, and it makes me sad. Different phases of life I guess. I thanks God for these precious little people that make me so happy, sad, crazy, and make me laugh everyday!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Chloe will be one and I will be married for 16 years on the same day!!! Now are you ready for this, drum roll please...Sommer will be 18 and graduating high school!! Remember when she used to crawl out of her bed at the house in Marion!!!
