Wednesday, May 4, 2011

13 months and a big girl car seat

Chloe is actually 13 1/2 months old now, and a few days ago we put her in her big girl car seat. I was so thankful I kept Gracie's car seat even though we weren't planning on having another baby. They are so expensive so I was happy not to have to buy a new one. At first I put her backwards because she is still pretty small, but that kind of car seat just doesn't do well backwards...especially if you have a tall husband who drives your van quite often. So I turned her facing forward after about 2 days, and she was so excited! She didn't really know what to think, and kept pointing to the tv. It was so funny! I think W and G were just as excited about it!

Oh Bitty are SO funny and keep us on our toes!

**you weigh about 18 lbs

**you wear some 9 month and some 12 month clothes, and size 2 1/2 shoe

**you LOVE to be outside and you LOVE LOVE any animal (especially the cat that thinks he lives here)

**you love books especially the touch and feel ones, and ones that have animals or elmo

**you love to take a bath

**you get SO excited when Daddy gets home from work...i know it makes his day!

**you love Weston and Gracie SO much and are so excited when we pick them up from school

**you are saying a few words now...mama, dada, bubba, bye-bye, uh-oh

**you wave to everybody, and hold your hands up when we say "all gone"

**you are very outgoing, (more than W & G were) and lvoe to GO...anywhere. When I say we are leaving you start waving and saying bye bye. You get so excited!

**you are VERY VERY busy and i can't take my eyes off of you (which is why I am behind on blogging, that is another post in itself)

WE LOVE YOU so much Chloe!!

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