Thursday, December 31, 2009

CHRISTmas fun & Happy New Year!!

I'm a little late keeping up here, but we had a really nice Christmas. It always goes by way too fast, and I really can't believe it's almost 2010!! We spent Christmas Eve at home, just the 4 of us, which was really nice. We usually go to Christmas Eve service at church, but it was raining SO hard, and Gracie had a little cold, so we decided to stay in. I cooked Chicken Pot Pie (somehow that has become a tradition), and we opened presents. The kids were SO excited! Later we did baths, read The Christmas Story, and it took FOREVER for the kids to get to sleep!! Santa was about to fall asleep waiting!! The kids actually slept until 8 Christmas morning, which is late at our house, then we headed downstairs to see if Santa came! And he REALLY did!! Gracie couldn't believe he ate all his cookies!! The kids played with all their new stuff until we headed over to my parents for Christmas Dinner. and MORE presents!!! All I could think was where in the world we were gonna put all this stuff!!! And next year we will have another little munchkin around here!!

I really can't believe it is 2010 (well, almost), and Hale and I have been married over 10 years, have 2 precious, HEALTHY kids, and one sweet little baby girl on the way in about 12 weeks!!(hopefully not sooner) I usually have some kind of "resolution" that I never keep, but this year I (we) hope to really make some changes in my life. First of all, I want to be a better christian. I consider myslf to be a "strong" christian, but then I find myself always asking God for things, and not thanking him enough for the true blessings he has given me and my family. Most of you know the breast cancer scare I had back in March. I felt SO close to God then. I feel like God healed me. The doctor and radioligists all but told me I had cancer. I can't tell you how many times I heard "it doesn't look good, it looks like cancer". I had so many people praying, people I didn't even know. I was ready, and "prepared" to hear the diagnosis of the big "C". And It wasn't cancer!!!! Praise GOD!!! A friend at church, she kept telling me "honey, it just got prayed away". I think it did. That was a time in my life when I truly felt like God answered my prayer. Then we were so happy, and we got back into our normal routine, still going to church regularly, but letting myself slowly slip back into my "pray when I need something". So, back to my point, my #1 goal this year is to better my relationship with God. I want to be a better wife. Hale works so hard, everyday, so that I can stay home and just be "mommy". I do NOT tell him thank you enough. We get so wrapped up in our daily routines, and the kids, that we need to make more time for US. We just talked about the fact that we really need a date night. Weston heard us, andhe said "a date? you're already married! " Yes, a date, by ourselves. I want to be a be a better, more patient mom. This pregnancy has really tested my patience, and sometimes I am NOT patient. Really. Just ask my kids. Lastly, we are really gonna try and stick to our financial plan for the year. We say that every year, but this year we have to. I am SO excited about this year! I can't wait to see this little girl that is constantly kicking me, and I can't wait to see Weston and Gracie with her. (by the way, I will tell you her name as soon as we tell some family)

Happy New Year ya'll! Here are some pictures from our Christmas.

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