Saturday, December 18, 2010

9 months

I can't believe it has been 9 months since our sweet Chloe came into this world!! Time really goes by way too fast. Really. Poor baby is sick too. this is the first time she has had a cold or anything so she is pretty pitiful. She has bronchiolitis and an ear infection. We have actually been to the doctor 3 times in the last 5 days. I am hoping she is on the uphill now, I need sleep!!! She is taking breathing treatments and steroids for her breathing so she is not herself!

Anyway, here is what our bitty girl is up to.....

**You weigh 15 lbs
**You wear size 3-6 or 6-9 month clothes, and size 2 diapers.
**You still take a bottle every 4 hours or so, not really a big eater.
**We are pretty sure you are allergic to some foods, the only things that don't make your excema flare up are carrots, squash, and plain fruits. and you are picky too....yay!
**You are really loud and we have so much fun watching you play.
**You light when Daddy comes home, and when you see us in the morning. But you REALLY love Daddy.
**You wore shoes for the first time last week and they stayed on for like, 3 minutes. Really.
**You are crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. We can't keep up with you!
**You love all the Christmas decorations, especially the stuffed Santa, and the snowman that sings "Shorty Got Low". (yes, I am embarrased to say that. Thanks Mimi for buying it.)
**You are SO happy, unless you are sleepy or at the doctor, or don't want to be the car seat.

**We love you SOOOOO much bitty girl!!!

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