Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SO far behind

Well, needless to say, I am way behind on blogging. We went to the beach over Fall Break and had such a great time, but have been without internet for a little while. So.... I have some catching up to do.

What we have been up to... beach trip with Hale's parents was SO great and relaxing!! It was fun to spend some time with them, and the kids loved seeing them. Chloe turned 7 months old while we were gone and started sitting up. I dropped my camera in the sand and it is broken..ugh!! Those of you who know me know this is a problem. I take atleast one picture everyday! Chloe is now 8 months old and crawling everywhere, and is not an fan of baby gates. ha! She is so funny, and very active!! The kids are getting ready for their first Choir Musical. It's called "Back to the Manger" and Weston has a speaking part. They are both SO excited!

Here are some pictures from lately!

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