Monday, March 5, 2012

conversations with my big girl

Gracie is not a big talker, but she has been asking alot of questions lately...mostly about heaven. When I lay down with her at bedtime, this is when she talks more than she talks ALL day:) God love her:)

G: "Mom, what does heaven look like?

Me: "Well, we won't know until we get there one special day, but it says in the bible that it will

be beautiful."

G: "are there toys there?"

Me: " i bet there are lots of them"

G: "can I take the Nook with me?"

Me: (laughing to myself): "sure you can"

This conversation is one she had with me and Hale at different times...about Leprechauns...

G: "mom, are leprechauns real?

Me: "no, why?"

G: "well, yes they are because Ms. Toney (her teacher) said they are. "

Me: "oh really? what did she say?"

G: "when we came back from gym today she said ...look what a mess the leprauchaun made in our classroom!!" (he left a trail of candy everywhere )

Me: "really, that sounds pretty cool" :))

love my girl:)

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