Saturday, November 7, 2009

baby update and pics of kiddos

WELL......... yesterday was a crazy doctors appointment!! I am now 18 weeks, and I will have an ultrasound on the 20th to see if this baby is a boy or a girl!! YAY! But...they had to re-do some of the bloodwork (for blood clotting disorders) because some of it was lost on the way to the lab. My doctor also recommended getting Progesterone shots weekly to hopefully prevent another early delivery. So, every week I have to go and get a BIG shot in my hiney!! YUCK!! I hate shots!! But I will do whatever I need to do to keep from having another premature delivery, and teeny tiny baby. (Weston 4lbs 14 oz, Gracie 3lbs 13 oz) So that is the scoop on me and the baby.

Gracie had her last soccer game Wednesday and they got little medals and a Munchkin Madness Tshirt. She ran more at this last game than she ever has! It was sooo cute.

Here are a few pics from Soccer and Weston practicing Basketball at home. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am dying to know!!! Boy? Girl? We didn't find out and surprisingly, I was completely fine with it, but I always want to know with everyone else!!!! So exciting!
