Sunday, August 21, 2011

back to school.....3rd grade and KINDERGARTEN

My babies are back in school, and my 1st baby girl is in kindergarten!! How can this be?? It was so weird the first day, just me and Chloe at home. She couldn't figure out where everybody went. Gracie was SO excited so it was easier for mommy. I just about lost it when we walked out of that room the first day. I was giving her a kiss and hug and I had tears ready to pour out, but she was so happy!! Then I think it really hit me the first day I let her get out in the car rider line with Weston. She wasn't scared at all, but it didn't seem like she was big enough to be walking into that big 'ole school. I am SO happy for her that she loves school. The only time she was sad was the 2nd or 3rd day. I think she was just tired, and she wanted to stay home. I don't think she realized she would be going all day everyday. One morning it was storming, and she said "mom, since it's storming I don't have to go to school?" This is what happens when you let your child "skip" preschool when it storms:) haha Weston is a big 3rd grader! He loves his teacher and loves 3rd grade. Seriously, how did my babies grow up so fast? I really don't like it. Actually, there are lots of fun things about them growing up, but it just means they are getting closer and closer to middle school and high school, and that scares me. Right now they are still so innocent. There are just so many things we cannot shelter them from. SO SAD...

Anyway, now that I sound like a debbie downer, here are a few pics of my babies...who love school!! Loving school is a big deal for a certain boy in our house....

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