Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a week in our life....monday

Monday....August 22, 2011

Today was a crazy day. I felt overwhelmed, I don't know why. This morning I was able to get up and get a shower before the kids were up, which is rare. I gave the kids breakfast, which Chloe threw on the floor. I had to make the big kids lunches, and get completely dressed for a room mom meeting after I dropped the kids off at school. Most days, I take a shower and dry my hair, but don't put on makeup or anything just to take the kids to school. We have to leave the house by 8:40 so my time is limited to only what the kids need. I DO usually get dressed and put makeup on later in the morning. It makes me feel better and more productive for some reason. Chloe and I went to my friend Jennifer's house for the meeting with another mom from Weston's class to talk about upcoming stuff. We stayed for a while after to visit. We came home and Chloe had lunch, and took a nap. I got caught up on a few episodes of OLTL and Kate Plus 8, checked facebook and blogs, and did a load of laundry. My best friend from elementary school and her daughter (who is Chloe's age) are coming Thursday so really I needed to be doing a million things but sometimes I just want to sit down!! I decided to make homeade pizza for supper so I checked the cabinets to make sure I had everything and then Chloe was up from her nap (about 2 hrs). We headed to the car rider line to pick the kids up. My friend and neighbor Kathy called and asked if we could pick up her daughter too. No problem. I pulled up to the cone where my kids were.... and no Reagan. By this time my gas light came on. Lovely....why didn't I get gas before I needed to sit in the car line for 45 minutes?? I don't know. Anyway, we had to pull over and wait for someone to bring Reagan out to me. So I have all the kids in the car and Gracie was excited to get to play with Reagan for a bit. I always ask how everybody's day was. Gracie's answer..."fine, but Ms. Toney thinks I am sick because I went to the bathroom 10 times". Let me back up and say she told me the same thing Friday, and then wet the bed 3 nights in a row. We get home and get somewhat settled, while Chloe whines and hangs onto my leg while I call the dr. Made her an appt for Tuesday morning. Then I called Ms. Toney to get the details. She said Gracie went to the bathroom 6 times in an hour. NOT normal. So I am worried. this is when Hale calls me and his words were..."I have good news and bad news." This is never good. Good news is he bought a truck great. Bad news...he has to go out of town (whick he hardly ever does which makes it hard when he does) from Wednesday until next Tuesday. While I know this is not the end of the world, this is a bad week for that. So anyway, the day continued with a whiny bitty girl, and W and G fighting constantly until bedtime. These are the days.....but I wouldn't trade them. Crazy or not. Thank the LORD we are healthy.

My only picture of the day....this is what happens when you decide to give a 17 month old a yogurt and a spoon to make her happy!!

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