Monday, August 22, 2011

a week in the life....Sunday

I decided to blog about about our days for a whole week. This will be totally boring to anyone but us I am sure, but this blog is like a journal/baby book for me and I thought it would be neat to look back and read what our days were like with an 8yr old, 5yr old, and 17 month old.

Sunday.....August 21, 2011

We woke up a little later than normal around 8. Hale was on his daily conference call, the kids went downstairs and I got in the shower. Chloe was yelling from her room when I got out, so I went in to get her. We went downstairs and ate breakfast, and started getting ready for church. We only went to Sunday School, then headed to Taco Bell. Somehow, this became a Sunday "after church" tradition...Taco Bell...and we can't drive-thru, the kids want to eat we did. We came home, Gracie went to play at her friend Reagan's house, and I got Chloe down for her nap. Hale and Weston headed to Jennifer's to pick up Colton so he and Weston could play for a while. I needed to do laundry and some cleaning but instead sat on the computer reading facebook and blogs. Hale and my dad went to look at a few trucks for Hale (with no luck. I ran to the store after Chloe got up from her nap, and all the sudden our day was gone. Jennifer came to get Colton, and Gracie came home. By this time, it was too late to take Gracie to choir, which I totally forgot about. Reagan's mom sent us some pork tenderloin for dinner, and it was SO good, even Weston loved it. By 6, Gracie was in full meltdown mode. This kindergarten thing is starting to catch up with her. She is SO tired. The plan was to get the kids to bed early so we could watch Big Brother, but when I laid down with Weston he was all the sudden scared about Casey Anthony. OH MY GOODNESS. This is what happens when you aren't listening to K-Love, and the radio station talks about her killing her daughter. Lovely...just what I want my 8yr old to hear. So needless to say, so tv time for mommy and daddy. A day in our life.

The only picture i took today was with my phone, Weston and Colton doing who knows what. Weston has a thing for "flat bill" hats (which I will not he flips the bill up on his baseball cap), and fake gold jewelry out of the machine at Zaxby's. Should I be worried??

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