Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 More Days....

We had a really nice weekend, and now we are counting the days until we leave for vacation!! Yesterday we got to see my friend Stephanie from high school!(who now lives in Colombus, OH)Her dad still has a tent at BBQ fest and they come "home" every year in May. We had a good time seeing her and her family. Friday night Weston had a t-ball game, and he is really getting good!! He actually likes going, unlike last year when all he wanted to do was play in the dirt and act like he couldn't run fast! Anyone who knows Weston knows he is small, but really quick! And oh yeah, Me and Jennifer actually went to the movie yesterday, we saw "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past"-- It was really cute!
I am really excited that it is almost summer, but can't believe my kids will be 6 and 3! WOW- where does the time go? It seems like yesterday when we brought Gracie home from the hospital(after 8 days in the NICU), and Weston was so excited and said "Hi Gacie, (he could not say Gracie) I'm your big brother! It was soo sweet. They love each other so much!
Well, I've got lots to do so I better get busy! Also, please keep our Pediatrition, Dr. Guinter, in your prayers. He had mouth cancer several years back, and it has returned. He will need extensive surgery and will probably be out for a while! We LOVE him, and pray he will be okay. He is a very sweet, Christian man.
Ya'll have a great week! Here are a few random pics from the week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Mandy told me about your blog. The kids have gotten so big and so cute!!
